Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The present document includes General Terms & Conditions for the use of the website https://alexandrionflavours.com/ (hereinafter referred to as "General Terms & Conditions") establishes the conditions in which each individual can visit or access https://alexandrionflavours.com/(called the “Website”), or can use in any way the services offered through the site.

https://alexandrionflavours.com/ is a website of Alexandrion Grup Romania SRL, Romanian legal entity, headquartered in Bucov, Pleasa Village, Prahova County, registered at the Trade Register under nr. J29/1028/2000, unique registration code 13575086.

This Website was launched in order to offer free access to all those interested, to information regarding the brands produced by Alexandrion Group and the products distributed by the company, as well as provide information about the activity of Alexandrion Group. The website is operated and managed by Alexandrion Grup Romania SRL (hereinafter referred to as “Alexandrion”).

The access to the present Website as well as its use are allowed only to people with the minimum age of 18 years old and only in accordance with the present General Terms and Conditions, as well as with the legal terms and conditions applicable in the area.

For the campaigns and promotions promoted on the Website, those interested are kindly required to refer to the specific rules, listed unde the category “Promotional Campaigns”.

This page

Please carefully read the General Terms and Conditions regarding the use of this Website.

The Obligativity of these General Terms and Conditions

1.7.1. Visiting and using the Website are condition by agreeing to these General Terms & Conditions.

1.7.2. These General Terms and Conditions are accepted by you by simply accessing the Website, representing the agreement between you and Alexandrion regarding the use of the Website. If one of the provisions of this document is found to be null or invalid, all others remain as valid as possible.

1.7.3. If you do not agree with the terms of use of the Website, which also involves the processing of personal data by Alexandrion, please do not use this Website.

1.7.4. Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions is made when accessing the Website. Continuing to browse the Website represents the acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions.

1.8. Modification of the General Terms and Conditions

1.8.1 In order to make the General Terms and Conditions more appropriate to the purpose and to have an easy interaction, Alexandrion reserves the right to modify the content, structure and the way of accessing the Website according to the changes that take place regarding the legislation applicable to alcoholic beverages. by their own internal procedures. Therefore, these General Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. The revised General Terms and Conditions will apply to govern your use of the Website from the date of publication of the revised version on this Website. Therefore, please return to this page each time you use the Website to ensure that you are familiar with the current valid version.

1.8.2. Continuarea folosirii Website-ului prin navigarea pe acesta se considera acceptul Utilizatorului. In cazul modificarii prezentelor Termeni si Conditii Generale.


"Content" means any images, text, graphics, symbols, web graphics, scripts, audio and / or video recordings and other data produced and delivered in digital form on the Website and / or any module or component thereof.

"Newsletter" means the means of periodic information used by Alexandrion, exclusively electronically, to provide details regarding the Products and / or its activity in a certain period.

"Product Page" means the page dedicated to an Alexandrion Group's own Product, which displays detailed information about the Product. The information is accompanied by the image of the Product and can indicate the name and type of the product, the manufacturer, distinctions and awards given to it by the specialized forums, tasting notes, packaging methods, suggestions for use, etc.

"Product" means any alcoholic beverage produced or imported by the Alexandrion Group that has a dedicated page on the Website.

“Social Media” means any form of electronic communication (such as website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) through which people create online communities through which they share information, ideas, personal messages, etc.

"User" means any natural person who, by confirming his age, accesses the Website and by continuing to browse it has given his consent to these General Terms and Conditions.

  • USE
  • Users of the Website are expressly prohibited from using both the Website and the information provided through it, for the purpose of uploading, downloading, publishing or transmitting any information whose content is illegal or contrary to morals and public order ( for example: it is defamatory, offensive, threatening, abusive, vulgar, obscene, affects the right to privacy of other people, encourages violence or racial hatred, ethnicity or has an intimidating character).
  • The content of the Website, regardless of the area in which it is located on the Website and regardless of the type, may be used exclusively for personal purposes, defined according to this document as purely non-commercial purposes, without any direct or indirect intention to make a profit or gain. any kind of such use. Any use of the Content by third parties for any purpose other than personal may be made only with the written, express and prior consent of Alexandrion.
  • You may view, download and print / print from the Website only for your personal use and only those documents in the download area subject to the restrictions set forth below and elsewhere in the Terms and Conditions.
  • It is forbidden to rent or license / sublicense a material from the Website in whole or in part.
  • You may not use this Website in any way that causes or may cause damage to the Website or impair the availability or accessibility of the Website.
  • You may not use this Website to copy, store, host, transmit, send, use, publish or distribute any material consisting of (or uses links to) any type / spyware, computer virus / viruses, Trojan horse , worm, keystroke logger, rootkit or equivalent, and any other computer program that is deliberately malicious.
  • It is forbidden to carry out any activities of automatic or systematic data collection (including, but not limited to scraping, data mining, data extraction and data harvesting) on or in connection with this Website without the prior written consent of Alexandrion.
  • You may not use this Website to transmit or publish unsolicited commercial communications.

Ways of taking over and / or redistribution

  • The taking over and / or distribution of the materials located in the unrestricted areas of this Website is allowed only if no modifications, deletions, additions or any other kind of alteration of the content are made, under the following conditions:
  • From the text taken or redistributed, a maximum of 5 lines of the original text may be published or posted on another website or on Social Media platforms, as it was published on the Website, the rest of the material being available by backlink to the page on the Website. where the material is published.
  • The takeover and distribution is done with the obligation to mention:

(i) source,

(ii) author and,

(iii) insert a backlink directly to the original article,

all this shall be made clear, in a conspicuous place, all identifying elements as referred to in points (i) to (iii) above, being made in a font equal in size to that used to publish the text.

  • Retrieval and / or redistribution is allowed only if the information is intended to be free to the public without obtaining revenue, profit, advertising or other commercial benefits and only for websites and / or Social Media platforms.
  • It is strictly forbidden to take materials or information from the website to be printed in any form even if it is done for non-commercial purposes..
  • Even if the taking over of the materials to be published and / or redistributed on websites or Social Media is done in compliance with the conditions expressly provided in this chapter, Alexandrion reserves the right to request the deletion of its materials from certain websites. depending on their content, reputation and decency in the online space.
  • The mere presence of the Website Content on a Social Media platform or website does not mean that Alexandrion validates and / or supports the opinions or views expressed on that website and / or Social Media account.
  • Alexandrion reserves the right to use all generally accepted computer tools to protect the Content of the Website by using services aimed at determining plagiarism, to identify the copied and / or downloaded content and will contact and request the deletion of the copied content without complying with these Terms and conditions.
  • Requests to use the content of the Website for any purpose other than personal and non-commercial may be sent via the form on the Contact page of the Website entitled "Content Retrieval Request", individually, for each article / text for which the takeover is desired with the mention of the purpose and reason for which the takeover is desired as well as information about the media environment in which the takeover / publication will take place. Acceptance shall be deemed to have been granted only when it has been expressly communicated in writing to the applicant by Alexandrion's legal representatives. The simple sending of the content takeover request does not mean granting the right to take over / redistribute / publish, etc.

5.1. Alexandrion cannot be held liable in any way to any User who uses the Website or its Content, other than within the limits of the provisions set forth in the General Terms and Conditions.

5.2. Access to the Website by the User does not give him any right to download or modify in part and / or in whole Content, to reproduce in part or in full the Content, to copy, or to exploit any Content in any other way to transfer to any third party any Content over which it has and / or has gained access, under an agreement of use, without the prior written consent of Alexandrion.

5.3. The website may contain related links (called hyperlinks or links), which allow automatic connection to various Internet sites. These related sites are the property of third parties and are managed by them. Alexandrion is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites that are accessed through links in the Content, regardless of the nature of these links. For those sites, the responsibility lies entirely with their owners.

5.4. Alexandrion is exempt from any liability for the use of the sites and / or the Content transmitted to a User, by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), through the sites, e-mail or an employee of Alexandrion, when this use of the Content may or does cause damage of any kind to the User and / or any third party involved in this transfer of Content.

5.5. Alexandrion does not offer any direct or indirect guarantees such as:

(i) The Website will be in accordance with the requirements of the User;

(ii) The Website will be uninterrupted, secure or error free of any kind.

5.6. Alexandrion does not assume any obligation and does not guarantee, implicitly or expressly, the content of any kind of the Website, or for all the content offered to the User. Alexandrion will make every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented on the Websites and will endeavor to correct errors and omissions as soon as possible.

5.7. Alexandrion is not responsible for damages that may be created as a result of unauthorized use of the information on the Website.

5.8. Alexandrion is not responsible for any costs and / or losses of any kind incurred / resulting from the use of the information on the Website.

5.9. The photos presented on the Website do not create obligations for Alexandrion in the sense that he does not assume responsibility for any text errors or material errors.

5.10. By using the Website / Content, the User is solely responsible for all activities arising from its use. He is also liable for any material, moral, intellectual or electronic damage or any other nature caused to the Website or the content belonging to Alexandrion, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.

5.11. Alexandrion shall not be liable to any User for any claims other than these General Terms and Conditions, shall not be liable for any damages, material or otherwise, arising, directly or indirectly, from facts or other circumstances that have not been mentioned in this section of General Terms and Conditions.


6.1. These General Terms and Conditions are subject to Romanian law. Any disputes between Alexandrion and Users will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be resolved by the competent courts.

6.2. If any of the above clauses is found to be void or invalid, regardless of the cause, this clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses.


7.1. Alexandrion newsletters are sent via e-mail.

7.2 . When the User accesses the Website he has the possibility to express his agreement regarding the reception of promotional messages. The option regarding the agreement issued by the User, can be modified at any time, using the specially designed link in any Newsletters. See the Privacy Policy for this.

7.3. Waiver of receipt of Newsletters does not imply waiver of acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions.


8.1. The content of the Website including, but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, still images, dynamic images, text and / or multimedia content, is the exclusive property of Alexandrion and / or its partners, being its reserved all the rights obtained in this respect directly or indirectly (through licenses for use and / or publication). These elements are protected by Romanian legislation and by the international provisions regarding the observance of copyrights, trademarks, designs, patents, etc.

8.2. Any reproduction or representation, even partial, by any means, made without the written, prior and express consent of Alexandrion and / or his partners where they hold rights, is prohibited and unlawful. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes a counterfeit or an act of unfair competition that engages the civil and criminal liability of its author. The user understands and accepts that in case of violation of any of the above provisions in any measure, he may be held liable by the authors / owners of the Website Content.

8.3. The implementation of hyperlinks to any page of this Website requires the written, prior and express consent of Alexandrion.

8.4. The use of any information on the Website for purposes other than advisory, especially for public, commercial or humorous purposes, may be subject to criminal prosecution both in Romania and abroad.


9.1. Alexandrion processes your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

9.2. If there are any questions or suggestions regarding Alexandrion, please contact us at the phone number +4 021.405.11.00, between 9-17, by e-mail at: office@alexandrion.ro, or by sending a written request to the correspondence address Nicolae Grigorescu 19A, Otopeni, Ilfov county, Romania.

9.3. Any comments, questions, feedback, ideas, suggestions or other communications or information about or relating to, the functionality or improvement of the Website will remain the property of Alexandr



Below you will find more details regarding the types and ownership of our website’s cookies:



Who owns the data?

Is this a 1st party or 3rd party cookie?

cookie consent status


1st Party



1st Party



1st Party



3rd Party

Please read carefully the following information:

In order to comply with the requirements established in GDPR and the provisions of Law no. 506 of 17 November 2004 on the personal data processing and the privacy protection in the electronic communications sector, all website’s visitors are required to consent to the cookies transmission on their computers.

This website uses its own cookies and those from the third parties in order  to provide visitors with a much better browsing experience and services to cover the needs and interests of everyone.

Cookies play an important role in facilitating the access and delivery of multiple services that the user enjoys on the Internet, such as:

  • Customize certain settings such as: the language in which a site is viewed, accessing your old preferences by accessing the “forward” and “backward” buttons.
  •  Cookies provide site owners with valuable feedback on how their sites are used by users so they can make them even more effective and accessible to users.
  • Allow multimedia or other applications from other sites to be included in a particular site to create a more valuable, useful, and enjoyable navigation experience.

What is a “cookie”?

A “Cookie Internet” (also known as “cookie browser” or “HTTP cookie” or simply “cookie”) is a small file of letters and numbers that will be stored on your computer, mobile terminal or other equipment of a user on which the Internet is accessed.

The cookie is installed through a request sent by the webserver of a browser (eg Internet Explorer, Chrome) and is completely “passive” (it does not contain software, viruses or spyware and can not access the information on the hard drive user).

A cookie consists of two parts: the name and the content or the value of the cookie. Furthermore, the duration of a cookie is determined; technically, only the webserver that sent the cookie can access it again when a user returns to the site associated with the respective webserver.


Cookies themselves do not require personal data to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users.

 There are two large categories of cookies:

  1. Session cookies – they are temporarily stored in the web browser’s cookie folder so they can save them until the user exits the site or closes the browser window (for example, when logging in / logging on a webmail or social networking account).
  2. Persistent cookies – these are stored on the hard drive of a computer or device (and generally depends on the cookie’s default life). Persistent cookies include those placed by a site other than the one the user is currently visiting – known as ‘third party cookies’ – which can be used anonymously to store a user’s interests so as to deliver advertising as relevant to users.


What are the cookies benefits?

A cookie contains information linking a web browser (user) and a specific web-server (Site). If a browser accesses that web-server again, it can read the already stored information and react. Cookies provide users with a pleasant browsing experience and support the efforts of many sites to provide user-friendly services: ex – online privacy preferences, site language options, shopping carts, or relevant advertising.

 What is the lifetime of a cookie?

Cookies are managed by web servers. The life of a cookie may vary significantly, depending on the purpose for which it is placed. Some cookies are used only for one session (session cookies) and are not retained once the user has left the site, and some cookies are retained and reused each time the user returns to that site (permanent cookies). However, cookies can be deleted by a user at any time through the browser settings.

What are cookies placed by the third parties?

Certain sections of content on some sites may be provided by the  third parties / suppliers (eg news box, video or advertisement). These third parties may also place cookies through the site and they are called “third party cookies” because they are not placed by the owner of the site. Third-party vendors must also comply with the applicable law and the site’s privacy policies.

How cookies are used by a site. 

A site visit may place cookies for:

  • increasing site performance;
  • a visitor analysis;
  • geotargetting;
  • registering users.

Performance cookies

This type of cookie retains the user’s preferences on this site, so they no longer need to be set on every site visit.

Examples: Volume settings for video player, streaming video speed  which the browser is compatible with.

Visitor Analysis cookies

Every time a user visits a site, analytics software provided by a third party generates a user analysis cookie. This cookie tells you if you have visited this site so far. The browser will flag you if you have this cookie, and if not, one will be generated. It allows monitoring of unique users who visit the site and how often they do it.

As long as the visitor is not registered on the site, this cookie can not be used to identify individuals, they are used for statistical purposes only. If it’s registered, you may also know the details provided, such as your email address and username – which are subject to confidentiality, in accordance with the GDPR provisions.

Geotargetting cookies

These cookies are used by software that determines where you come from. It is completely anonymous and is only used to target content – even when the visitor is on the page in Romanian or in another language, it will receive the same advertisement.

Registration cookies

When you sign up for a site, a cookie is generated that tells you if you are registered or not. Servers use these cookies to show your account and if you have permission for a specific service. It is also allowed to associate any comments posted on your site with your username. If you have not selected “keep me registered”, this cookie will automatically delete when you close your browser or computer.

Other cookies of the third parties

On some pages, third parties can set their own anonymous cookies in order to track the success of an application or customize an application.

For example, when you share an article using the social network button on a site, that social network will record your activity.

What type of information is stored and accessed through cookies?

Cookies keep information in a small text file that allows a site to recognize a browser. The Webserver will recognize the browser until the cookie expires or is deleted.

The cookie stores important information that enhances the Internet browsing experience (eg, setting the language of a site, keeping a user logged in to your webmail account, online banking security, keeping your products in the shopping cart).

Why are cookies important for the internet?

Cookies are the central focus of the efficient Internet, helping to generate a friendly browsing experience and adapting to the preferences and interests of each user. Denying or disabling cookies can make some sites impossible to use.

Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require authentication of a user through an account):

  • Content and services tailored to the user preferences – news, weather, sports, maps, public and government services, entertainment sites and travel services.
  • Offers tailored to user interests – retaining passwords, language preferences (e.g., displaying search results in English).
  • Retrieve Child Protection Filters on Internet content (family mode options, safe search functions).
  • Measurement, optimization, and analytics features – such as confirming a certain level of traffic on a site, what type of content is viewed, and how a user reaches a site (eg, search engines, directly from other sites). Sites run these analyzes of their use to improve sites for the users’benefit.


Security and privacy issues

Cookies are NOT Viruses! They use plain text types. They are not made up of pieces of code, so they can not be executed or executed. Consequently, they cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.

Cookies can still be used for negative purposes. Because it stores information about user preferences and browsing history, both on a particular site and on several other sites, cookies can be used as a form of Spyware. Many anti-spyware products are aware of this and consistently mark cookies to be deleted in anti-virus / anti-spyware removal / scanning procedures.

In general, browsers have built-in privacy settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, available period, and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site.

 Tips for safe and responsible, cookie-based navigation.

  • Customize your browser settings for cookies to reflect a comfortable level for your cookie security.
  • If you share access to your computer, you can consider setting the browser to delete individual browsing data each time you close your browser. This is a way to access sites that place cookies and delete any business information when you close the browsing session.
  • Install and constantly update your antispyware applications.
  • Many of the spyware detection and prevention applications include site attacks detection. This prevents your browser from accessing sites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download dangerous software.


How do I stop cookies?

Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make some sites unfeasible or difficult to visit and use.

It is possible to set up the browser so that these cookies are no longer supported or you can set the browser to accept cookies from a particular site. But for example, if a visitor is not registered using cookies, he will not be able to leave comments.

All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the Options / Settings menu or the Favorites menu of your browser.


To understand these settings, the following links may be useful:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari